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Baseball Analysis  John Holway

Also Read: The Greatest Game Ever Lost  The Cards and Sox. Again (1946).


By John B Holway

 My friend, Kit Crissey, objects to victory ceremonies on the winners home field. Here s my reply:


Howdy Kit


I agree with you.


Until a couple years ago, the trophy was awarded in the winners locker room. The losing manager came to the winners to congratulate him. You should hear the purple language as the victors celebrated! There was only one adjective, and it was shouted every other word. After the cameras were turned off, of course.


Wonder why the f-word is so vital to celebrate victory. Any theories, Dr  Freud?


You are right. Losing is awful tough to swallow - ask any Red Sox fan before 2004 (I go back to 1940). The winners shouldn't rub it in. Perhaps next year the Sox will lose in Fenway. How will they like it to hear the victory celebration right in their own park?


I also squirm uncomfortably when the Olympics are held in America, and an American  winner does a victory lap, holding the flag aloft while 80,000 throats scream.  USA!... USA!... USA! Do other host countries do that? That's just boorish. And the interminable national anthem on the victory stand that everyone else has to stand and listen to.  How about one short Olympic victory hymn for everyone?


Back in great-great-great grandpa s day, before 1918, the Boston Royal Rooters were legendary for rooting the Red Sox to victory. But they were also famous for cheering the other team for a good play and even for a win.  They made friends with their good humor, and every time they left a town, local crowds turned out to cheer them as they marched to the station.


Where are Honey Fitz and  Nuf Ced Greevy to teach us again how to be gracious winners? As one New England girl has told us


Success is counted sweetest

By those who ne er succeed;

To comprehend a nectar

Requires sorest need.


Not one of all the purple host

Who seized the flag today

Can comprehend the meaning,

So clear, of victory,


As he, defeated, dying,

On whose forbidden ear

The distant sounds of victory break,

Agonized and clear.


                              Emily Dickinson


after the battle of Gettysburg

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