
Complete game playing directions
Strategy and base running charts
Player Cards Archive
Score Sheets
Stat Sheets
Draft Sheets - Rotisserie Style
Retro Graphic Style Playing Field
Random Die Rolls
Oldtime Scoresheet
How to keep score
 Rotisserie Style Draft sheets
 Blank Tournament Brackets
Photo of a Field
Color Playing Field (For best results: print on 8.5 x 11 photo glossy or matte card stock and set printer to fit image to paper)
Drawing of a Field
Charts in spreadsheet format (see all tabs across bottom)

Printing Help

Note 1: Please be patient if pages are slow to load.
Note 2: The game was formatted to print best using AOL or MSN Explorer web browsers.
Tip: Best results with a med/heavy bond paper.
Problem 1: Cards print in B&W even though they are displayed in color.
Remedies:  Spreadsheet formats correct this.
Problem 2:  Content does not fit onto one page or just doesn't look right.
A) Uncheck all headers and footers (Use File/PageSetup).
B) Set margins to 0".
C) Print CHARTS one page at a time .

D) Try this for charts: Spreadsheet Download Format 

Still having problems?
Email the Guru EMail the Guru
Describe your problem in detail and leave a return email address.

 The Guru's Baseball Game

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How do I get started?

A: The supplies in the left hand column have everything you need. Read how to play and print out the charts. Then click on the player cards button and print out whatever teams you like. It is recommended that you begin by playing the basic version of the game. Once you get comfortable with it, add advanced features one at a time.

Q: What do I do if I don't have dice?

A: For those without dice, print out the Random Die Rolls. Start at a different spot in the list of random numbers each time you play. Otherwise, dice are available in any toy store. We recommend getting three different colored dice, such as red, white and blue. Always read the dice in the same order.

Q: How do I get the cards to print evenly on each page?

A: See the printing help in the left column. The trick is to make very sure that your printer is setup to 0" margins, although the cards are formatted to Internet Exporer's default settings.

Q: Can I print onto cardstock paper?

A: Yes. If you have any trouble printing onto cardstock paper (8 1/2 x 11), try setting the printer to 8 1/2 x 14 and they will print correctly.

Q: Are pre-printed cards available or do I have to print them out?

A: There's been talk about selling pre-printed cards, but they would be priced about the same as APBA or Strat-O-Matic (roughly $50 for a season set).

It was a real challenge to come up with an inexpensive alternative for people who want to play baseball simulations. We get a lot of repeat customers, so people seem to appreciate the "print-it-out-yourself" format and cost savings.

If you are only interested in preprinted cards, indicate which set you would like as your first choice. If there is enough interest, we may make a limited, special edition printed game. Email the Guru

Q: Is there a computer game version?

A: Yes. But, it is in development. The current alpha version is very promising. Unlike computer versions for our competitors (Strat-O-Matic and APBA) where the game simulation is a strict recaste of the board game, the Guru's game will be more accurate. For example, there is no reason why the computer version should be limited to a set number of pitching grades, base running grades or fielding grades.

In the mean time, there is a sample of the computer game for you to try if your computer has Excel spreadsheet software. Click here to find out more.

Q: Is there phone support?

A: The toll free number is set up to answer billing inquires only. Use email for questions about the game or check the message boards and ask other game players. Email the Guru

Q: How do I find others who play the Guru's Baseball Game?

A: The Guru has message boards, where you can post and read messages to each each other. While the Guru's message boards have been around since the beginning of 2001, they have only been opened up to fellow game players since the end of 2002. Click here to check them out: Community

Q: What new card sets are coming out?

A: Some exciting and unique card sets are in the works, including cards for the Negro Leagues and Ladies Leagues.  Japanese Franchise All-Stars cards are already available. Also, check out the new SPECIAL EDITION CARDS: Franchise All-Stars in their 4-Year Prime!

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