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Wow!  Here's your chance to pick the brains of the best minds in baseball.  Find out what the insiders know.

The Experts: Newspapers, Columnists and Sports Writers
Baseball Newsstand - Would you believe that while online, you can read the sports sections of the local newspapers from every city hosting a major league team?  And, if that's not enough, you can visit the web sites for dozens of respected baseball columnists!  Maybe you'll be brave enough to email them with your questions.
BaseballStuff - Ask the Baseball Scholars themselves! Email Jim Furtado and Sean Forman. Visitors are encouraged to participate by asking a question or by answering a question. Please share your knowledge. The Baseball Scholars will periodically pop in to help with their expertise. - The world's newspapers online. See college and university newspapers, trade journals, sports sections from foreign countries and online news services.
Fantasy Baseball Hub - List of other baseball "gurus" specializing in fantasy baseball.

MLB Players - Personal home pages for every player in major league baseball, presented by the Players Association. Virtual baseball cards and photos.  Email any player, get his vital info and stats for this season in progress.

Big Bad Baseball  - List of player web sites

Assn.of Pro Ballplayers of America - Here is a contact for former ballplayers'addresses:
Dick Beverage, Assn.of Pro Ballplayers of America,1820
Orangewood,Orange,CA 92868,(714)935-9993.
He is a SABR member; his email should be in the Directory.

MLB League Executives

Allan H. (Bud) Selig, Commissioner
The Office of the Commissioner of Baseball
245 Park Avenue, 31st floor
New York, NY 10167

Major League Baseball Players Association
Donald M. Fehr, Executive Director and General Counsel
12 East 49th Street
New York, NY 10017

Use this if only if desperate: Email every team in one shot!

Internet Resources
Here's a shortcut to the Research  section of the Baseball Guru's Web Tour.  The link to SABR might be of particular interest.

Beyond the Internet
The Guru recommends the following high profile authors, columnists and baseball insiders. Reading their books and subscribing to their services enriches your overall baseball experience whether you're a casual fan or a serious analyst.

Celebrity Guest Panel:

Jim Albright (Japanese baseball)
Max Blue (historic teams, Phillies)
Bruce Baskin (Latin Baseball)
Bill Burgess (research)
Clay DuVall (baseball crossword puzzles)
Bart Ewing (fantasy baseball)
Carlos Fragoso (Latin baseball)
Harvey Frommer (Players, Yankees)
Gary Garland (Japanese baseball)
Eric Gartman (baseball business)
A. C. Haeffner (former sports card and memorabilia dealer)
Leslie Heaphy (Women's Baseball, Negro Leagues and Latin Leagues)
Michael Hoban (Great player analysis)
John B. Holway (esteemed and widely published Negro Leagues expert)
John Korsgaard (franchise and player specialist)
Bruce Markusen (National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum)
Mike McCann (Minor Leagues)
Lenny Melnick (Fantasy Baseball)
Joe Mock (ballparks)
Jeff Mordock (Hall of Fame analyst)
Gene Newman (Foreign Leagues)
Kevin Saldana (spring training and minor leagues)
Dan Schlossberg (history, trivia)
Craig Tomarkin (the Guru)
Andrew Wong (Korean/Taiwanese baseball)


Chris Hook (former SF Giants pitcher)

Japanese Baseball
Michael Westbay of - Michael Westbay, Fan discussions on Pro Yakyu. Also see his previous web site Pro Yakyu Central, which has Japanese pro baseball ("yakyu") news and statistics. You'll find standings, batting and pitching leaders, as well as play-by-play summaries of Japan Series games.

More Coming Soon!
New personalities are being added to the panel as quickly as possible.

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