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Book Reviews: Jan 1, 2013
Book Reviews From Random House, Canada
Last Strike
Sports Book Reviews
By Dr. Harvey Frommer
"Just Win Baby" and Other Notable Tomes
From acclaimed and derervedly so sports journalist and author Murray Olderman comes "Just Win Baby" (Triumph Books, $24.95, 203 pages). It is a deftly detailed account of the life and times of Al Davis of Oakland Raider fame. We are there for the inside look at this mercurial football maven from his growing up days in Brooklyn all the way through his triumphs with the silver and black.
Initially Olderman who knew Davis for more than 50 years was commissioned by the electric executive to write his biography. Somehow, that book never made it into print. "Just Win Baby" is Olderman's third person account - -and what an account it is. It uiilizes a great deal of the material given to Olderman and is enhanced by the prize winning author's perspective, writing and organizational skills. HIGHLY NOTABLE
"The Muhammad Ali Reader" edited by Gerald Early(Ecco, $17.99, 336 pages) has bragging rights to over 30 pieces on "the Greatest" organized by decades. The 16 page photo insights showcase Ali in all his ways.
"Yacht Clubs of the World" text by Bruno Cianci and Nicolo Reggio (Rizzoli, $100,00, 270 pages) is one of the most beautiful books ever produced by a company that has produced many beautiful books. Page after page in brilliant, bold, color unfolds as one turns the pages of this opulent opus. We are there with twenty storied venues like the New York Yacht Club, the Hong Kong Yacht Club, the Yacht Club de France and on and on. Yachting's culture is on display and the reader (viewer) is all the better for it. MOST NOTABLE.